love promises in the sand

Someone wrote love promises in the sand. Poor fools. The ocean, that fierce beast, will soon wash them into oblivion and, just like that, they will be gone. Such a naíve thing, pick up wild flowers or sing love songs. The flowers will die soon, the songs are already lost in the air. 

What an ephemeral being, this thing we call love. It's framed in time and can not escape from it. Poor fool. It believes it can exist forever without realizing eternity itself is a legend, a mythical creature that only lives in fairy-tales. 

There is not such a thing as eternal love.
All we have is temporary love. 
So let's love while we still have time.
Let's be as fool as love and write love promises in the sand, pick-up wild flowers and sing love songs.
One day, time will be gone so as love, and the memories of the fool things is the only proof that, once upon a time, I loved and I was loved.
I don't know who I am anymore, but I know I am not me. This wasn't the language of my soul.


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